<!-- ••• --> | |
<!DOCTYPE ...> | |
<A ...> Anchor | HREF : URL you are linking to |
NAME : name a section of the page |
TARGET = "_blank" | "_parent" | "_self" | "_top" | window name which window the document should go in |
TITLE : suggested title for the document to be opened |
onClick : script to run when the user clicks on this anchor |
onMouseOver : when the mouse is over the link |
onMouseOut : when the mouse is no longer over the link |
<APP ...> | |
<APPLET ...> | CODE : the applet to run
CODEBASE : path to the applet class |
WIDTH : width of the applet |
HEIGHT : height of the applet |
ALIGN = LEFT | RIGHT | TOP | MIDDLE | BOTTOM | BASELINE alignment of applet to surrounding text |
VSPACE : vertical space between applet and surrounding text |
HSPACE : horizontal space between applet and surrounding text |
BORDER : empty space surrounding the applet |
NAME : name of applet for reference by other applets |
ARCHIVE : a compressed collection of applet components |
MAYSCRIPT : If Java can use JavaScript |
<AREA ...> | HREF : URL you are linking to |
ALT : alternate text if the image isn't displayed |
SHAPE = RECT | CIRCLE | POLY | DEFAULT what shape is this area? |
COORDS : coordinates for the link area shape |
TITLE : Short description of the area |
TARGET : what frame to go to |
NOHREF : this area is not a link |
onClick : script action when the user clicks this area |
onMouseOut |
<B> Bold | |
<BASE ...> Base address | HREF : default address for hypertext links |
TARGET = "_blank" | code>"_parent" | "_self" | "_top" | frame name default window for linked documents |
<BGSOUND ...> | SRC : URL of the sound
LOOP = INFINITE | number of loops how many times to play the sound |
<BIG> | |
<BLINK> | |
<BLOCKQUOTE ...> Block Quote | |
<BODY ...> | BGCOLOR : background color of the page |
BACKGROUND : background picture for the page |
TEXT : color of the text on the page |
LINK : color of links that haven't been followed yet |
VLINK : color of links that have been followed |
ALINK : color of links while you are clicking on them |
BGPROPERTIES = FIXED if the background image should not scroll |
TOPMARGIN : size of top and bottom margins |
LEFTMARGIN : size of left and right margins |
MARGINHEIGHT : size of top and bottom margins |
MARGINWIDTH : size of left and right margins |
onLoad : Script to run once the page is fully loaded |
onUnload |
onBlur |
STYLESRC : MS FrontPage extension |
SCROLL = YES | NO If the document should have a scroll bar |
<BR ...> Line Break | CLEAR = LEFT | RIGHT | ALL | BOTH go past a picture or other object |
<BUTTON ...> | TYPE = BUTTON | SUBMIT | RESET what type of button is this |
onClick : script to run when the user clicks here |
NAME : name of this button element |
VALUE : the value sent with the form |
DISABLED : disable this button |
ACCESSKEY : shortcut key for this button |
TABINDEX : tab order |
<CAPTION ...> | ALIGN = TOP | BOTTOM | LEFT | RIGHT alignment of caption to table |
VALIGN = TOP | BOTTOM if caption should be above or below table |
<CENTER ...> | |
<CITE> Citation | |
<CODE> | |
<COL ...> Column | SPAN : how many columns this affects |
ALIGN = LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT | JUSTIFY horizontal alignment |
WIDTH : width of the column |
BGCOLOR : background color of the column |
<COLGROUP ...> Column Group | SPAN : how many columns this affects |
ALIGN : alignment of cell contents |
WIDTH : Width of the column group |
<DD> Definition Description | |
<DEL> Deleted | |
<DFN> Definition | |
<DIR ...> Directory List | |
<DIV ...> | ALIGN = LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT | JUSTIFY text alignment |
<DL ...> Definition List | COMPACT : take up less space |
<DT> Definition Term | |
<EM> Emphasis | |
<EMBED ...> | SRC : URL of resource to be embedded |
WIDTH : width of area in which to show resource |
HEIGHT : height of area in which to show resource |
ALIGN = ABSBOTTOM | code>ABSMIDDLE | MIDDLE | TEXTTOP | RIGHT | LEFT | BASELINE | CENTER | BOTTOM | TOP how text should flow around the picture |
NAME : name of the embedded object |
PLUGINSPAGE : where to get the plugin software |
PLUGINURL : where to get the JAR archive for automatic installation |
HIDDEN = FALSE | TRUE if the object is visible or not |
HREF : make this object a link |
TARGET : frame to link to |
AUTOSTART = TRUE | FALSE if the sound/movie should start automatically |
LOOP = TRUE | FALSE | # of loops how many times to play the sound/movie |
PLAYCOUNT : how many times to play the sound/movie |
VOLUME : how loud to play the sound |
CONTROLLER = TRUE | FALSE if controls should be displayed |
MASTERSOUND : indicates the object in a sound group with the sound to use |
STARTTIME : how far into the sound to start and stop |
ENDTIME : when to finish playing |
<FONT ...> | SIZE : size of the font |
COLOR : color of the text |
FACE : set the typestyle for text
<FORM ...> | ACTION : URL of the CGI program |
METHOD = GET | POST how to transfer the data to the CGI |
NAME : name of this form |
ENCTYPE = "multipart/form-data" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | "text/plain" what type of form this is |
TARGET = "_blank" | "_parent" | "_self" | "_top" | frame name what frames to put the results in |
onSubmit : script to run before the form is submitted |
onReset : script to run before the form is reset |
<FRAME ...> | SRC : what file to put in the frame |
NAME : the name of the frame
SCROLLING = YES | NO | AUTO should the frame have a scrollbar? |
NORESIZE : don't let the user make the frame bigger or smaller |
FRAMEBORDER = YES | 1 | NO | 0 should this frame have a border? |
BORDERCOLOR : color of the surrounding border |
MARGINWIDTH : the internal left and right margins for the frame |
MARGINHEIGHT : the internal top and bottom margins for the frame |
<FRAMESET ...> | COLS : how many cols in the frameset |
ROWS : how many rows in the frameset |
FRAMEBORDER = YES | 1 | NO | 0 if the frames should have borders |
FRAMESPACING : space between the frames |
BORDER : space between frames |
BORDERCOLOR : color of frame borders |
<H# ...> Headers<H1 ...> , <H2 ...> , <H3 ...> ,
<H4 ...> ,
<H5 ...> ,
<H6 ...> | ALIGN = LEFT | code>RIGHT | CENTER | JUSTIFY alignment |
<HEAD> | |
<HR ...> Horizontal Rule | NOSHADE : don't use shadow effect |
SIZE : height |
WIDTH : horizontal width of the line |
ALIGN = LEFT | RIGHT | CENTER horizontal alignment of the line |
COLOR : color of the line |
<HTML> | |
<HTMLPLUS ...> | |
<HYPE> | |
<I> Italics | |
<IFRAME ...> Inline Frame | SRC : URL of the document to go in the frame |
HEIGHT : height of the inline frame |
WIDTH : width of the inline frame |
NAME : name of this inline frame |
LONGDESC : URL of a long description of the contents of the frame |
FRAMEBORDER = 1 | 0 if the frame should have a border around it |
MARGINWIDTH : internal left/right margin for the frame |
MARGINHEIGHT : internal top/bottom margin for the frame |
SCROLLING = YES | NO | AUTO if the frame should have scroll bars |
ALIGN = LEFT | RIGHT | TOP | TEXTTOP | MIDDLE | ABSMIDDLE | CENTER | BOTTOM | ABSBOTTOM | BASELINE alignment of the frame object to text around it |
VSPACE : space above and below the frame |
HSPACE : space to the left and right of the frame |
<IMG ...> Image | SRC : where to get the picture |
ALT : text to show if you don't show the picture |
LONGDESC : URL of a long description of the image |
WIDTH : how wide is the picture |
HEIGHT : how tall is the picture |
ALIGN = LEFT | RIGHT | TOP | TEXTTOP | MIDDLE | ABSMIDDLE | BOTTOM | ABSBOTTOM | BASELINE how text should flow around the picture |
BORDER : border around the picture |
HSPACE : horizontal distance between the picture and the text |
VSPACE : vertical distance between the picture and the text |
ISMAP : is this a clickable map? |
USEMAP : name of the map definition |
LOWSRC : a version of the picture that isn't such a big file |
NATURALSIZEFLAG : meaningless |
NOSAVE : meaningless |
DYNSRC : play a movie file
CONTROLS : show the buttons which control the movie |
LOOP = INFINITE | -1 | # of loops how many times to loop the movie
START = FILEOPEN | MOUSEOVER when to start playing the movie |
onLoad : script to runs after the image is downloaded |
SUPPRESS = TRUE | FALSE Don't show icons of images that haven't downloaded yet |
NAME : name of this form field |
VALUE : initial or only value of this field |
SIZE : how wide the text field should be |
MAXLENGTH : maximum number of characters |
CHECKED : check this checkbox or radio button |
BORDER : border around image |
SRC : URL of image |
ALT : text to show if you don't show the picture |
LOWSRC : a version of the picture that isn't such a big file |
WIDTH : width of image |
HEIGHT : height of image
ALIGN = LEFT | RIGHT | TOP | TEXTTOP | MIDDLE | ABSMIDDLE | CENTER | BOTTOM | ABSBOTTOM | BASELINE how text should flow around the picture |
VSPACE : vertical distance between the picture and the text |
HSPACE : horizontal distance between the picture and the text |
READONLY : the value of this field cannot be changed |
DISABLED : don't let the user do anything with this field |
TABINDEX : tab order |
LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" | "JavaScript1.1" | "JSCRIPT" | "VBScript" | "VBS" | other language scripting language to use |
onClick : when the user clicks here |
onChange : when this field is changed |
onFocus : when this field gets the focus |
onBlur : when this field loses the focus |
onKeyPress : script to run when a key is pressed |
onKeyUp : script for when a key goes up while the field has the focus |
onKeyDown : script for when a key goes down while the field has the focus |
AUTOCOMPLETE = ON | OFF If the browser should use autocompletion for the field |
<INS> Inserted<DEL> | |
<ISINDEX ...> | PROMPT : prompt string to show before the text entry area |
ACTION : the CGI to call |
<KBD> Keyboard | |
<LABEL ...> | FOR : form element for which this is a label |
<LI ...> List Item | TYPE = DISC |CIRCLE | SQUARE | 1 | A | a | I | i type of bullet or numeral |
VALUE : where to continue counting |
<LINK ...> | REL : relationship to this page |
REV : reverse relationship to this page |
HREF : URL of related document |
TITLE : suggested title |
MEDIA = SCREEN |PRINT | PROJECTION | AURAL |BRAILLE | ALL | other media What media type the link applies to |
TYPE : MIME type of linked resource |
<MAP ...> | NAME : name of this map |
<MARQUEE ...> | WIDTH : how wide the marquee is
HEIGHT : how tall the marquee is |
DIRECTION = LEFT | RIGHT which direction the marquee should scroll |
BEHAVIOR = SCROLL | SLIDE | ALTERNATE what type of scrolling |
SCROLLDELAY : how long to delay between each jump |
SCROLLAMOUNT : how far to jump |
LOOP = INFINITE | number of loops how many times to loop |
BGCOLOR : background color
HSPACE : horizontal space around the marquee |
VSPACE : vertical space around the marquee |
<MENU ...> | |
<META ...> | NAME = KEYWORDS | DESCRIPTION | REFRESH | many others The pupose of this META tag |
HTTP-EQUIV : Name of the pretend HTTP header |
CONTENT : Metainformation content |
<MULTICOL ...> | COLS : how many columns |
GUTTER : space between columns |
WIDTH : width of a single column |
<NOBR> No Break | |
<OL ...> Ordered List | TYPE = 1 | A | a | I | i type of numerals |
START : where to start counting |
<OPTION ...> | VALUE : what's the value if this option is chosen |
SELECTED : this option is selected by default |
<P ...> Paragraph | ALIGN = LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT | JUSTIFY alignment of text within the paragraph |
CLEAR = LEFT | RIGHT | ALL | BOTH move past picture and other objects |
<PARAM ...> Parameter | NAME : name of the parameter |
VALUE : value of the parameter |
<PRE ...> Preformatted Text | |
<S> Strikeout | |
<SAMP> Sample | |
<SCRIPT ...> | TYPE = "text/javascript" | "text/vbscript" | other scripting language Which scripting language to use |
SRC : External source for script |
DEFER : Continue loading page while downloading script |
LANGUAGE = JAVASCRIPT | LIVESCRIPT | VBSCRIPT | other Deprecated indicator of language |
FOR : object for which this script is an event handler |
EVENT : the event this script handles |
<SELECT ...> | NAME : name of this form element |
MULTIPLE : allow more than one choice |
SIZE : how many options to show |
READONLY : don't let the user change the value of this field |
DISABLED : don't let the user do anything with this field |
LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" | "JavaScript1.1" | "VBScript" | other language scripting language to use |
onChange : what to do when a new option is selected |
TABINDEX : tab order
onFocus : script to run when this field gets the focus |
onBlur : script to run when this field loses the focus |
<SMALL> | |
<SOUND ...> | |
<SPACER ...> | TYPE = HORIZONTAL | VERTICAL | BLOCK what type of space is this |
ALIGN = LEFT | RIGHT align left or right |
SIZE : how tall or wide
WIDTH : how wide |
HEIGHT : how tall |
<SPAN ...> | |
<STRIKE> Strikeout<S> | |
<STRONG> | |
<STYLE ...> | TYPE : style language |
MEDIA : type of media this syle applies to |
<SUB> Subscript | |
<SUP> Superscript | |
<TABLE ...> | BORDER : size of border around the table |
CELLPADDING : space between the edge of a cell and the contents |
CELLSPACING : space between cells |
WIDTH : width of the table as a whole |
BGCOLOR : color of the background |
BACKGROUND : picture to use as background |
ALIGN = LEFT | RIGHT alignment of table to surrounding text |
HSPACE : horizontal space between table and surrounding text |
VSPACE : vertical space between table and surrounding text |
HEIGHT : height of the table as a whole |
FRAME = VOID | BOX | BORDER | ABOVE | BELOW | LHS | RHS | HSIDES | VSDES parts of outside border that are visible |
RULES = NONE | ALL | COLS | ROWS | GROUPS if there should be internal borders |
BORDERCOLOR : color of border around the table |
BORDERCOLORLIGHT : color of "light" part of border around the table |
BORDERCOLORDARK : color of "dark" part of border around the table |
SUMMARY : Summary of the purpose of the table |
<TBODY ...> Table Body Section | |
<TD ...> Table Data | ALIGN = LEFT | CENTER | MIDDLE | RIGHT horizontal alignment of cell contents |
VALIGN = TOP | MIDDLE | CENTER | BOTTOM | BASELINE vertical alignment of cell contents |
WIDTH : width of cell |
HEIGHT : height of cell |
COLSPAN : number of columns to cover |
ROWSPAN : number of rows to cover |
NOWRAP : don't word wrap |
BGCOLOR : color of the background |
BORDERCOLOR : color of border around the table |
BORDERCOLORDARK : color of "dark" part of border around the table |
BORDERCOLORLIGHT : color of "light" part of border around the table |
BACKGROUND : picture to use as background |
<TEXTAREA ...> | NAME : name of this form field |
COLS : how many characters wide |
ROWS : how many rows
WRAP = SOFT | HARD | OFF how to wrap the text |
READONLY : don't let the user change the contents of the field |
DISABLED : don't let the user do anything with this field |
TABINDEX : tab order
LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" | "JavaScript1.1" | "VBScript" | other language scripting language |
onChange : Script to run when the user has changed the textarea |
onKeyPress : script to run when a key is pressed |
<TFOOT ...> Table Footer Section | |
<TH ...> Table Header | |
<THEAD ...> Table Header Section<TBODY ...> , <TFOOT ...> | |
<TITLE> | |
<TR ...> Table Row | ALIGN = LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT horizontal alignment of cell contents |
VALIGN = TOP | MIDDLE | BOTTOM | BASELINE vertical alignment of cell contents |
BGCOLOR : background color |
BACKGROUND : background image |
BORDERCOLOR : color of border around each cell |
BORDERCOLORLIGHT : color of "light" part of border around each cell |
BORDERCOLORDARK : color of "dark" part of border around each cell |
<TT> Teletype | |
<U> Underline | |
<UL ...> Unordered List | TYPE = DISC | CIRCLE | SQUARE type of bullets |
<VAR> Variable | |
<WBR> | |
<XMP> | |